Monday, December 31, 2007

Ear Infection Symptoms

Ear Infections are common in some breeds, especially Spaniels. Here are some simple ways for you to determine if your dog has an ear infection before taking your dog to the vet.

When you give your dog hugs, you can smell the special odor of a yeasty, bacterial, ear infection. And, of course, if you take a close look, you will see that the ear canal is hot, red, inflammed, and full of goo. It may be necessary to sedate your pet in order to clean out the ear well enough to get a good look.

Ear infections in dogs are just as painful to them as they are to humans. The dog may spend a lot of time rubbing his ears and/or scratching them. If you suspect an ear infection it is of vital importance to get him to vet right away. At that point the vet will administer medication. After a few days of treatment your vet will have you come back to look again when hopefully the ear will be improved.


Anonymous said...

your dog can use the EARDOC
i am sure it would help him :)

Anonymous said...

With my dog's ears, I sure can use the eardoc. To bad they don't make it for dog's.